Christmas Presents
Christmas waves a magic wand over the world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
The Situation at Hand: While Costa Rica as a country is not majorly in poverty the region of Brunca does experience the highest poverty rate. Due to the location of some towns (up in the hills, along dirt roads that can become dangerous during the raining season) it can be difficult for families to find/afford transport to better paying jobs, leading to hard times year round. While Christmas is meant to be a special time of year, these families tend to find themselves limited in what they can offer to their children on this special occasion.
Our Solution: We have built relationships with the schools in these areas and want to use this opportunity to congratulate all of the school children who have completed another year of school in face of their hardships (poverty, lack of government support and sometimes even lack of proper teachers and principals). We collect information from the school towards the end of the year in hopes to instigate the children to stay in school and keep prioritizing their education. While we do not believe that every kid will stay in school for a new set of clothes and a few gifts, we feel that this time of year should be special and that each child should be excited to open a present that was wrapped just for them.